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Waste is more

Architects Cryril Rheims and Mathieu Collos believe that environmental awareness can be raised through better, sustainable and accessible design and their installation in France showcases this.

Photo credit: photoarchitecture and FestivaldesArchitecturesVives

The Pavilion is the starting point of the Festival des Architectures Vives. It aims to inform visitors and to guide them in their journey.

Ideally located in the course of the CCI of Montpellier in the city center, it is an unavoidable place with several objectives:

- To be the place of reception and information of the public,

- Being the meeting point and starting point of the pathway during the Festival as easily identifiable,

- Make the link with previous years, in pictures and by the presentation of the FAV books

- This is also the place of the public vote for the best installation.

Beauty is a question of perspective. Waste isn’t generally considered beautiful, but changing its use (upcycling) can make it sublime. it is time to consider waste as a resource, not a burden.

Sterile water cans used in hospitals are not sorted and unfortunately end up in landfills (approx. 30 per day per hospital). This structure is built with 14 self supporting arches of 60 cans each, braced together with threaded rods. The festival’s visitors will be urged to build small interactive creations with the can’s caps.

WASTE IS MORE works on waste reuse through Design & Innovation. After graduating from Montpellier School of Architecture, Cyril Rheims & Mathieu Collos both worked as architects in London and Paris. Back in Montpellier, they co-founded the company WASTE IS MORE in 2016, following an European award for their upcycled assembly game CLIP IT.

WIM’s range of action is vast. The founding principle behind the ideas is the conviction that environmental awareness can be raised through better, sustainable and accessible design. Implementing circular economics models for a brighter futur, WIM is part of the BCORP Community.

Event + Exhibition, Art, Culture, Installation + Public art, Sustainable Development



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